Saturday, November 24, 2007

im official!!!

its official, the government is tracking me now


im just like daddy!!

i like tummy time, but lady thinks my boppy is hers! silly dog

aunt kelly likes to take my picture, but everytime she tries, i start to wiggle!!!

mama had me in the sling and i passed out..... she put me down in my swing and i stayed cuddled in my sling with a blanky

i just had my first thanksgiving!!! aunt kelly bought me this cool shirt. grandpa came to visit me too, and lots of my daddys friends from school.

Monday, November 12, 2007

6 week pictures

getting kisses from sister

mr pukey face

making up for lost time

a bath from gramma- november 5

kisses from daddy- november 3
such a funny face :)

my first halloween!

mama's little pumpkin- october 31

all cuddled up in mama's lap- october 27

look at that face

passed out on the arm of the couch- october 22

i caught him!!!

in the bath with daddy- october 17

sleeping on daddys lap-october 9


well, tristan is 6 weeks old already (i have no idea how that happened), and im finally starting his blog. sorry it took so long. he is so big now, at his last appointment he was 10 pounds already. he holds his head up like a champ, found his hands, and starting cooing and babbling in the past week. bath time is daddy time, and he loves it. i cant wait to take him swimming in the summer. here are some pics to start with, i'll post more in the next few days.